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A tactics that clearly proved to be successful: while Mr Simicska (and his aide Mr Nyerges) is one of the most influential (and probably richest) businessmen in Hungary, the wider public hasn’t had any information whatsoever about their life, personality or family in the last 15 years. News about his companies’ (among them, most notably, Közgép) public procurement successes are available, but our knowledge about the person himself basically converges to zero. A ghost that is haunting the country, and that never materializes in public. Neither the yellow press, nor the opposition newspapers were able to find a piece of information that would shed some light upon the secretive life of Mr Simicska and Mr Nyerges.
The ownership structure of Közgép is incredibly opaque, and is hidden by exploiting a technical (or deliberately tailored) gap in the relevant laws. news site established that even though theoretically the attendance list of the annual general meetings are publicly available, from year to year it is always the very same single person attending and voting about the Annual Report, whose share in the company is below 0.01%. It was which managed to get a written proof that the man behind Közgép is Mr Simicska.
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