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The government’s suddenly launched communal work programme for the winter months is part of the campaign, opposition parties say. The 20 billion HUF budget programme has started in November and contains two months of work and 4 months of schooling. visited Erdőkertes, a village 40 kilometres east from Budapest and found that both parties – workers and local government – seemed to be dissatisfied with the programme.
Jánosné Vass (60) told our reporter that the works did not start on time and they hadn’t had enough equipment. She also criticized the schooling programme, which will not provide the participants any specialized knowledge, because they are taught first class curriculum, such as writing and spelling.
We also interviewed László Pásztor, mayor of Erdőkertes. He told us that the village had to finance the programme in advance and they still have no information on how communal works will go on after the six-month period, which ends right after the elections.
The original article was published on 27/12/2013, in Hungarian.
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