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Publisher Demax Művek’s number of successful state tender applications has risen from eight to 20 in this government cycle, increasing their value from HUF 292.2mn to HUF 686.8mn. The company printed a book on the final week of Viktor Orbán’s election campaign in the spring of 2010, which featured the photographs of Barna Burger, who later became the prime minister’s official photographer.
The largest deal was a HUF 480mn tender to provide books to Hungary’s leading university ELTE, alongside other contracts to supply state railway company MÁV, the Hungarian public railways operator, several museums, Fidesz think-tank Századvég and the Csepel local government, led by self-proclaimed champion of the war on utility bills, Szilárd Németh.
The original Hungarian language article was posted on 24 October 2013. Translated by volunteers.
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