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The Ministry for National Economy published a list containing those companies, which obtained over a 100 million HUF (~340,000 EUR) non-repayable governmental funding since 1998 in order to create new workplaces in Hungary. The subsidies were grouped to the following categories:
1. Ministerial support
In this category, municipalities and local businesses could acquire non-repayable funds in order to improve backward regions in Hungary.
2. Investment grants
The Ministry of National Development planned to attract long-term foreign investments via non-repayable funds.
3. Training grants
These grants are intended to support small businesses to create new jobs to stimulate investment and facilitate the education of employees.
4. Job creation investment funds
The aim of these funds are to modernize regions with underdeveloped economy and labor market; and to promote the development of local communities.
We divided the obtained funds with the number of created workplaces, which resulted in this list containing companies with the 10 most expensive new workplaces:
This article was originally published in Hungarian on 3 April 2013. The text was translated by Péter Gyarmati.
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