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The castle of Győr (a town in the Western part of Hungary) was built in the 16th century and played an important role in several battles in the following centuries. Most of the castle buildings has been demolished in the Napoleonic wars. In the 20th -21st centuries, it took several years for the archaeologists to recover the remnants of the Győr castle – and in 2012, the city council decided to bury the ruins in order to build a 3-storey car park on top of it. A consortium of companies, containing Közgép, Magyar Aszfalt and West Bau received 4 billion HUF (~13.5 million EUR) for the construction. All these companies have ties with Fidesz, the governig party in Hungary. Currently civil organizations try to block the construction and protect the historical ruins.
This article was originally published in Hungarian on 20 June 2013. The text was translated by Péter Gyarmati.
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