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The total sum of the premium to be paid to the leaders of Governmental Organizations for their performance in the year 2012 exceeds 2 billion Hungarian forints (HUF). RTL Klub television channel’s news section acquired the list of the premium transactions conducted for 2012 from the National Development Agency, you can find it linked below. As it can be seen more than 2.2 billion forints were paid to the top managers of the 31 governmental organizations in the list.
Four of the GO leaders got first place with 19.2 million forints in premium. Although GOs are not subject to the law Fidesz passed in 2010 that maximizes the monthly wage in 2 million forints for organisations using public funds, they are doing their best to conform to it, so most of the leaders have a base monthly wage of 1.9-2 million forints, in addition to which one can get 80% of his annual wage as premium. With the help of basic mathematics we can quickly calculate that 12*2 million = 24 million; the 80% of which is exactly 19.2 million.
Questions regarding the premiums are dismissed with these two excuses,
1, They are included in the employment contracts. (Which have been signed under the current ruling party.)
2, They are only given after reaching certain set goals. (Which are not public.)
After the list became known to public the Government suspended the transaction of premium down payments, and have promised to conduct a revision of the current premium system.
Read the full article in Hungarian here.
Translation by Kiki
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