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Dániel Róna and Dániel Oross, two political political scientists told the story of a poorly coordinated state scholarship program. The scholarship named after Ányos Jedlik, Hungarian physicist was open to PhD candidates, and offered them a 200 thousand HUF net monthly financial assistance (ca. 677 EUR), a sum considered very generous compared to other scholarships. The application was open from May, 2012 for 34 positions, the candidates had to follow a very detailed set of rules when preparing and submitting their documents. The scholarship provider Sándor Wekerle Fund Management (later named Office of Public Administration and Justice) selected the recipients with a seven-months delay, informing the unsuccessful applicants by sending out generic notifications far from the detailed applications they, in comparison, had to hand in to the institution. Mr. Róna and Mr. Oross who were not among the selected recipients pointed out that the Office didn’t follow its own policy of providing 40 percent of the scholarship to humanities and social sciences researchers; only five of the selected applications fitted in those fields.
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The Hungarian tax office NAV will start an investigation into the Hungarian public media fund’s (MTVA) suspiciously pricey contracts with...
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