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Hungarian National Focal Point, working for Ministry of Human Resources deleted almost 28000 characters, all together 9 pages from this year’s national drug report, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and reported. The national agency of the European drug information network is aimed to collect and process data from national institutions and report the current situation to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction’s (EMCDDA). However, it appears that they suddenly chose to provide false data for the EU institution by censoring unpleasant facts which mark the negative consequences of the missing Hungarian drug policy. Such information, that supposes the rise of Hepatitis C and HIV infections, the misunderstanding of designer drug issues and the lack of resources at the harm reduction scene are the focal points of the missing pages.
In order to view every aspect of the issue, we published the 9 deleted pages of the report on our blog. (Hungarian, embedded PDF)
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