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According to ESPN’s news site Wilson Raj Perumal, one of the international rig scandal’s suspects is under a strict house arrest in Budapest. asked Géza Fazekas, head of Hungarian Central Investigative Prosecution Office, but he refused to confirm or deny the information about Perumal’s whereabouts. Perumal started his match fixer carrier in the ‘90s. He payed football players in Africa, South and Central Asia and in the Middle-East, then he became a member of a South-East Asian network. They fixed matches in several countries such as Italy, Croatia, Finland and Bulgaria. The Singaporean man’s work affected Hungary too: team director of second-division Hungarian club REAC Budapest jumped off a building after six of his players were arrested for fixing games – as the site reported. He also got in touch with mafia groups, and his life might be in danger because of some debt cases, so details of his arrest are kept in secret. Perumal got under Hungarian custody after he had been released in Italy where he was imprisoned for the role in the Juventus- related rig scandals.
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The Hungarian tax office NAV will start an investigation into the Hungarian public media fund’s (MTVA) suspiciously pricey contracts with...
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