
CMCS launches the Hungarian Media Monitor

The Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) launches the Hungarian Media Monitor. The aim of the project is to track, document and assess the impacts of Hungary’s new media laws ont he country’s media environment. The purpose is to contribute to and inform the current debates among policy makers, advocacy groups, and journalists over how to safeguard media freedom and pluralism at the domestic, regional and European-wide levels. environment. Through the Monitor, independent experts and scholars will provide policy relevant data, news and analyses relating to changes in media ownership and other market developments by providing ongoing monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the 2010 legislation and its impacts on media ownership and media pluralism in Hungary. The project has three parts: research and analyses, a media-monitoring blog and a digital archive of materials related to media ownership, regulatory decisions and licensing decisions, market information, English-language summaries of news items, and other relevant materials. The purpose of this collection is to provide a central, open-access resource of materials on Hungary’s media landscape.

The project is funded by a grant from the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE Trust) and is led by the CMCS, in partnership with investigative reporting and pro-transparency NGO, Átlátszó (atlatszo.hu) and media-monitoring NGO, Standards Media Monitor (Mérték Médiaelemző Műhely – mertek.eu).



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